Module P - Gynecologic Photography

Module P - Gynecologic Photography

Success in an aesthetic gynecologic practice depends greatly on having superb photos of your work. You are only as good as your photography as the patient sees it. Dr. Alinsod shares his lifelong experience in photography in an easy to understand manner to enable you to integrate amazing and consistent photos into your practice day in and day out. You will learn about equipment, set up, how to obtain consent, how to talk to a patient and ease their anxieties, and how to show your work to your worldwide audience on your website in a professional manner.
Gynecologic Photography (Module P) - $1,000

1. Lecture: #0 Gynecologic Photographty for Dummies, 42:18
2. Non-Surgical Videos Narrated: Alinsod 10 Gyn Photography, 09:05
3. Non-Surgical Videos Narrated: Alinsod 10 3D Photography, 2:32

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Module P - Gynecologic Photography