Module S6 - Hymenoplasty - $5500

Module S6 - Hymenoplasty - $5500

The controversial social issues dealing with the hymen are discussed in depth and the types of repairs are shown in both lecture PowerPoints, photos, and videos. Various techniques are covered including Dr. Alinsod’s “Pillar Technique” that he has taught for almost two decades. The Dr. Alinsod’s videos are eye level with the viewer feeling as if they were the ones performing the surgery. The videos are clear, concise, and practical. Note: Additional content will be coming soon, and will be available with the purchase of this module. Certificate of Completion.
Hymenoplasty (Module S6) - $5,500

1. Lectures: #3 Hymenoplasty Lecture 2020 with Voiceover Large File, 01:14:16
2. Surgical Videos Narrated: #16 Final – Hymenoplasty, 18:47
3. AIAVS Fellows Video 48, Live Narrated Hymenoplasty Pillar Technique, 37:44
4. AIAVS Video 72, Live Narrated Hymenoplasty Pillar Technique, 28:34
5. AIAVS Fellows Video 18, Live Narrated Hymenectomy, 07:01
6. AIAVS Fellows Video 19, Live Narrated Removal of Hymeneal Remnants, 08:50
7. Non-Surgical Videos Narrated: #22 Final Excision of Hymeneal Remnants, 05:21

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Module S6 - Hymenoplasty - $5500