Subscription Training Videos

Subscription Training Videos

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Subscription Training Videos
  • Band Release

    This case covers a span of several years and illustrates what can happen when there is estrogen loss and menopausal changes in the vulvovaginal areas. In summary, the patient underwent both labiaplasty and vaginoplasty and did very well until years later when GSM resulted in a tight introitis, d...

  • A Incisions Steps

    This Core stop motion photography video explains the “A” Incision technique developed by Dr. Alinsod to prevent the formation of Dog Ears. Radiofrequency is used for precision excisions below the clitoral hood and just lateral to the clitoris. This video shows the Lateral A Incision only.

  • Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Post Rep, MP, Barbie LP, CHR, Anal Skin Tag

    A combination surgery is performed to narrow the vaginal canal and improve the vulvar appearance. The Lone Star Retractor is used to allow visualization for the office vaginoplasty and perineoplasty. The labia majoraplasty is performed in the standard manner with inclusion of some lateral clito...

  • Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Removal

    This is the original video used in my on-site training programs and shown worldwide on how to do a Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Removal and how ot manage the Camel Toes. My thinking process is verbalized and you can hear how I make decisions. Many pearls and secrets are shared in this video ...

  • Feathering Resurfacing Revision

    This Core video demonstrates the essential skills of Feathering and Resurfacing done for revision surgery. A definite Must See Video. Radiofrequency feathering is precise and able to smooth, carve, and shrink tissues. Most Botched Labiaplasty surgeries with irregular edges, dog ears, and asymm...

  • Transvaginal Uterine Suspension: Pelvic Reconstruction with Dermal Augmentation

    This patient suffered from stress incontinence and prolapse of both the bladder, uterus, and rectum. This O.R. surgery started with a transoburator sling, then an anterior repair with dermal allograft, sacrospinous uterine suspension, then a rectocele/perineocele repair and perineoplasty, This ...

  • ThermiVa

    Standard ThermiVa treatment of the labia majora and vaginal canal with Dr. Alinsod describing the procedural steps and techniques. No lecture.Strictly the steps on how to do it.

  • Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Barbie Labiaplasty, CHR, Anal Skin Tag, & Thermi-O

    This complex combination surgery shows the correct order and detailed steps to achieve a Barbie Look Labiaplasty when done in conjunction with a Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty and Anal Skin Tag Excision and Thermi-O treatment. RF vaporization of external anal skin tags is shown with guidance of ...

  • Feathering Revision to Barbie Look, Vertical CHR: A Four Year Journey

    A 4 year journey of Feathering and Resurfacing is documented along with revision surgery to smoothen ruffled labial edges. A Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction is also shown.

  • Rim Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction, and Perineoplasty

    The patient complains of a gaping and wide vaginal opening and wants a modest reduction of her labia. Described and shown is an in-office conservative Rim labiaplasty and wide clitoral hood reduction and perineoplasty with local anesthesia. Layered suturing is shown.

  • Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction

    Dr. Alinsod’s Core classic technique is described in detail. This sped up video shows the local anesthesia placed, the markings, incision, excision, and layered “Bottom Up/Town Down” suturing performed. The Bridge Concept is shown and the “Inflection” goal pointed out. The Frenular Crease is d...

  • Hybrid Labia Minoraplasty/Majoraplasty, G-Shot, Vaginoplasty, and Perineoplasty

    A vaginoplasty and perineoplasty are done under local anesthesia in the office along with a Hybrid Look Labiaplasty and Labia Majoraplasty. The Clitoral Hood Reductionis integrated into the majoraplasty. A detailed description of where to inject fillersfor both SUI and Orgasmic Dysfunction is sho...

  • Q-Tip Exercise

    This is a short video on how to use a Q-tip to prevent the agglutination and sticking of edges after Feathering Resurfacing surgery. Feathered and resurfaced areas have a tendency to stick together and can be painful when pulled on. This live video of showing a patient in real time how to keep ...

  • Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction, VCHR, LMF, O-Shot - Short

    This short Introductory Video shows the basic steps of Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction for prominent majora and Camel Toes. It takes a glimpse of a Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction and Labia Minora Feathering. It is general in nature and not detailed.

  • Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, and O-Shot

    A vaginoplasty with Perineoplasty is performed for this lady suffering from laxity and lack of friction. Detailed pelvic floor dissection is shown. Suturing to reduce the vaginal diameter and adequate vaginal mucosa excision are demonstrated. An O-Shot is performed at the end as well as review...

  • Excision of Hymneneal Remnants

    Hymeneal remnants can be confused as venereal warts and be unsightly to patients and their partners. Excision of Hymeneal Remnants is a very common procedure that accompanies many vaginoplasties and perineoplasties. In this case presented Hymeneal Remnants were removed by radiosurgry as part of...

  • Hymenoplasty, Hybrid Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction, and AQ

    Dr. Alinsod demonstrates his Pillar Technique for hymenoplasty surgery. A labiaplasty with Feathering is also performed. The video has a fuzzy segment during the labiaplasty portion of the case.

  • Feathering Resurfacing Revision with Morph

    Unsatisfactory labiaplasties can occur even when done by the most experienced surgeon. This case shows a linear labiaplasty that had interruption of blood vessels resulting in improper healing. Shown is not a wedge labiaplasty breakdown. Feathering Resurfacing Revision was performed and then a...

  • Feathering and Grooving Revision, CHR, and O-Shot for Botched Labiaplasty

    This video covers only the Feathering and Resurfacing and Grooving procedure portion of the full-length video LNS1 v1 Live Narrated Vaginoplasty 101 with CHR, Grooving, Feathering Resurfacing, Q-Tip, O-Shot 4K. Dr. Alinsod’s Grooving technique (creation of a labia where there was none via optica...

  • Vaginoplasty

    This video is a short segment of LNS1 v1 Live Narrated Vaginoplasty 101 with CHR, Grooving, Feathering Resurfacing, Q-Tip, O-Shot 4K. It only covers the details of a vaginoplasty and perineoplasty including the markings, anesthesia, Pudendal and Levator Blocks details. This patient does not hav...

  • Perineal Band Release for Dyspareunia

    Posterior Repairs, Vaginoplasties, and Perineoplasties may result in too tight an introitus that can lead to painful intercourse. A new partner that is very broad can result in painful sex also. This patient requested a band release right at the opening of her vagina and we were able to use rad...

  • Small Perineoplasty

    This video shows the repair of birth trauma stretching and tears with a perineoplasty that does not go deep into the vaginal canal like a rectocele repair. This is done mostly for improved appearance, lengthening the perineal body, and to get a modest increase in entry friction.

  • Small Perineoplasty Prior to Labiaplasty

    Detailed video on Perineoplasty performed before a complex labial surgery. Anesthesia, markings, excision, and layered sutureing are shown. This is the key step to start a complex case. Almost always perform the perineoplasty first with or without a vaginoplasty then proceed to the labial surg...

  • Labiaplasty Set Up of Instruments and Draping

    An inexpensive way to set up to do labiaplasty surgery in the office is demonstrated. Basic equipment, sterile towels, radiosurgical tools are displayed. Proper table height, patient leg support, surgeon elbow support is stressed for an ergonomic surgery. This is a Core video to view before pe...